Check to the King


Friday 15 January 1993

Hours 09:00 about, via Bernini, Palermo

From inside the rear compartment of a white Fiat Iveco van parked by the side of the road a man, Balduccio di Maggio, see out of the start gate one residence another man, sees him take a seat on the front passenger seat of a Citroen ax, and sees him leave accompanied by her driver, Salvatore Biondino. B see men who are by his side inside the van and with a simple movement of the head makes it clear that he recognized the man but these, not convinced, ask in person to see if it is safe of Balduccio; Balduccio once again with the Chief suggests Yes, but this time he adds that you should not trust necessarily because he is the only one who can recognize that man. The white van is set in motion and follows a short distance the Citroen ax, Meanwhile, After having turned, you enter in via Sicily: near the motel Agip the car is stopped by van from which they descend some hooded men with guns in hand, open the doors of the Ax, pick up the two men sat inside, Hood them and load them on the truck.

Hours 10:30 about, Police Headquarters in Palermo

The man recognized by Balduccio di Maggio is standing, He in handcuffs and hands intertwined fingers itchy, the scarf is open and falls on the jacket of a dark green dress, the head is high, dark and inscrutable eyes and teeth biting her lower lip as if to hold back the anger of the moment. The man reveals no emotion, no feeling, no anger, no fear, No distress, no pain, all is silent in him, except an organ, his brain. The man he's not thinking about who betrayed him, He knows who did it, you are struggling with figuring out how this other man could have betrayed, but especially as he doesn't notice. Did you know that you could not and had to trust anyone, He didn't expect his best friend, Corleone as he, He betrayed. Only dogs you can trust, She thought biting his lips again, they are the only ones who remain loyal to their master. It's a caged animal Salvatore Riina was Giovanni, that morning at police headquarters in Palermo. It is aware of two things while being photographed and filmed as suits with a trophy of war: one, that will never go out more, but you can also accept, COSA nostra can you rule even from inside the prison; two, that Falcone and Borsellino had begun to change society; When he was young he, ever no one would be allowed to take to the streets to cheer the cops to catching a boss, and this just do not could bear.


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