Humanity Fallahata



Today's article was ready since yesterday: a parody of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un on his 32nd birthday. But yesterday,, 7 January 2015, irony has given way to death. In Paris, a terrorist armed group broke into the newspaper Charlie Hebdo, decreeing the death of cartoonists and journalists, which at this time were working, guilty of having poorly managed satirical Islam. So it was, Twelve deaths.

Epurando as much as possible the occurrence from images shock appeared in amateur videos, from the clamor of the incident, remains the gesture of extremists who killed in the name of God. Trying to address the issue rationally, I think some clarifications are in order. No living person in this planet can know which ones are the will of God, whoever he may be and in whatever form or was it present. None. We can all venture, We can suppose, We can interpret or as more often happens between seven billion people currently living on earth we can believe that God makes us partakers of his knowledge. Venture, assume, interpret, believing is not know. Knowledge and wisdom are entitled only to God, whoever he is and whatever it is called and is manifested. We have no knowledge and do not have the wisdom or else we wouldn't be mortal beings, but we would be gods who would live in the Olympus of eternity. This consideration, of all staff obviously, stride heavily with manifestations of violence that fanatical groups exert against ordinary citizens because they have offended their God. This is not a manifestation of belief: It wasn't the Act of yesterday, nor were the Crusades a thousand years ago.

Stride strongly thinking about the fact that a higher being may have created a harmonious world where nature is perfect for thousands of cycles and then this same God created man with the sole purpose of killing in the name of the same God that created it. Avoiding all demagoguery and trying to reduce the issue in simple terms: killing in the name of God is not doing the will of God, but the opposite, is spreading hatred and death. When we were created I think (or rather I suppose in such a way as to be consistent with the above) that the weapon that was given by God's love: There's nothing to do, at these words you can smile, believe strong and above, real tough guys without feeling, but for this we were created, to love. Man is not an animal that has evolved to be alone but to live in community and to breed, all this through love and no matter what their sex or the opposite, but it is only love that counts. This someone before us had also realized and had mentioned it in simple words:

"We're trying to understand love, There is something more important?”

CIT. Paul VI

"Love is the last limit of humanity and to it we must strive"

CIT. Mahatma Gandhi

"Every good deed is charity. The well-being of a man in the afterlife is what he does in this world to his fellows "

CIT. Muhammad

Roberto Rossetti

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